
Something Something Prosciutto & Pesto

A few months back I mentioned to my co-worker that I was heading over to San Francisco, among the few stops and destinations he happened to mention was one sandwich shop in particular. What made this place so special to him was Prosciutto & Pesto sandwich that he exuberantly proclaimed was one of the best in the city. To this day, for the life of me I cannot even bring a single letter of that shop to the tip of my tongue. What makes it worse is that I haven't seem my co-worker in months! 

The only details I have is that it consists of a freshly baked Ciabatta, Pesto, some type of cheese (Gouda/Parmesan?), and "generous" helping Prosciutto. 

It's been a good while since my last trip to San Fran, and every now & then that idea of what that sandwich might have been still pops up. Yesterday I simply cracked and proclaimed that I must try and recreate it no matter what it takes!

Construction: In the rush of things I couldn't find any fresh Ciabatta rolls in the afternoon (go figure). But the next best thing came along, Half-Baked Panini Rustic Rolls that only need 8 minutes in the oven, resulting in a satisfying warm gold crust that makes you remember why bread is so good.  
Basic Pesto, Mozzarella (Gouda/Parmesan was mentioned, but I was too unsure and stuck with what I had at home), and Cherry Tomato's (sounded like a good idea) . 
As for Prosciutto, I know I said "generous" but I wanted to start off small and not too crazy (this is only the first one).  

Outcome? I can definitely say this will not be my last one, since I will be continuously be experimenting with this sandwich till I nailed my rough concept. 

Ever since I put that idea of a sandwich on a pedestal my mind will never be at ease, I must have the original. It may not sound special to most, but it's my obsession.  If anyone out there has any idea of what place I'm talk about, please let me know, both my mind and my palate will be ever so grateful. 

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